How  do you check for breathing?
    Look Listen an Feel
    Look for rising chest
    Feel with the cheek

Look Listen an Feel

A nosebleed can be stopped by:
    Put some cotton wool into the nose
    Give something cold to drink
    Pinching briefly the nostrils

Pinching briefly the nostrils

What is the purpose of the Heimlich procedure?
    To treat the absence of a victims breathing
    To treat an insufficient breathing
    To remove a blockage in the victims airway
    To re-locate (move) the person

To remove a blockage in the victims airway

How many compressions and breaths should you do for each cycle of CPR?

    30 compressions 2 breaths
    15 compressions 5 breaths
    30 compressions 5 breaths
    15 compressions 2 breaths

30 compressions 2 breaths

What causes Anaphylactic shock?
    Insect sting or spider bites
    3rd degree burns
    Heart attack

Insect sting or spider bites

What are the symptoms of third degree burn?
    Red and pain
    Charred skin no pain
    Charred skin pain
    Blisters and pain

Charred skin no pain

What is the first thing you should do for severe bleeding?
    Direct pressure with clean cloth or hand
    Put the victim in the recovery position
    cover with clean cloth
    Give oxygen

Direct pressure with clean cloth or hand

What is your FIRST action when examining the condition of a patient?
    Check for external injuries
    Check for insurance
    Check for breathing
    Speak to the victim and shake his shoulders

Speak to the victim and shake his shoulders

What is the main purpose of the Routeemergency transportation technique when providing treatment to a passenger?
    To administer rescue breathing
    To remove a blockage in the victims airway
    To relocate (move) the passenger
    To remove a blockage in the victims airway

To relocate (move) the passenger

What applies to a victim with a reduced counsciousness?
    The victim is still capable to speak
    The victim is still alert
    The victim does not react to speaking and shacking
    The victim is in shock

The victim is still capable to speak

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