PVC conduits can be joined by
    solvent cement
    any of the above.

any of the above.

The maximum horse power up to which 440 V electric motors are used is
    50 HP
    20 HP
    200 HP
    10 HP.

200 HP

The earthing electrode should be situated at a place at least .......... meters away from the building whose installation system is being earthed
    1.5 m
    100 m.
    25 ma
    3.5 m

1.5 m

Which of the following mixture is preferred for filling around the earth electrode effective earthing ?

    coal salt mixture
    saw dust sand mixture
    bone meal mixture
    lime-stand mixture.

coal salt mixture

Inside the earth or pit the earthing electrode should be placed
    inclined at any angle other than 450.
    inclined at 450


Danger 440 V plates are
    caution notices
    danger notices
    advisory notices
    informal notices.

caution notices

The minimum clearance of any overhead line from the ground should be
    4 m.
    10 m
    20 m
    6 m

6 m

Earthing of electric appliances is done
    for the safety of human life
    to reduce line voltage fluctuation
    for all of the above.
    for protection of electric equipment

for all of the above.

Earthing is used as the return conductor for
    all of the above.
    traction work
    telegraph lines
    telephone lines

all of the above.

The resistance of earth wire should be
    very low.

very low.

पोस्ट अच्छी लगी हो तो प्लीज नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक कर शेयर जरुर करें 

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