Two generators A and B have 6-poles each. Generator A has wave wound armature while generator B has lap wound armature. The ratio of the induced e.m.f. is generator A and B will be


The voltage drop for which of the following types of brush can be expected to be least ?
    Graphite brushes
    Carbon brushes
    Metal graphite brushes
    None of the above

Metal graphite brushes

The e.m.f. generated by a shunt wound D.C. generator isE. Now while pole flux remains constant if the speed of the generator is doubled the e.m.f. generated will be
    slightly less than E


The material for commutator brushes is generally

    cast iron


In a D.C. generator the ripples in the direct e.m.f. generated are reduced by
    using equalizer rings
    using carbon brushes of superior quality
    using conductor of annealed copper
    using commutator with large number of segments

using carbon brushes of superior quality

The insulating material used between the commutator segments is normally
    insulating varnish


In D.C. generators the brushes on commutator remain in contact with conductors which
    are farthest from the poles
    lie under north pole
    lie under south pole
    lie under interpolar region

lie under interpolar region

If brushes of a D.C. generator are moved in order to bring these brushes in magnetic neutral axis there will be
    demagnetisation only
    cross magnetisation as well as magnetisation
    cross magnetisation as well as demagnetising
    cross magnetisation only

cross magnetisation as well as demagnetising

Armature reaction of an unsaturated D.C. machine is
    cross magnetising
    none of above

cross magnetising

In a D.C. generator the ripples in the direct e.m.f. generated are reduced by
    using carbon brushes of superior quality
    using commutator with large number of segments
    using conductor of annealed copper
    using equalizer rings

using carbon brushes of superior quality

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