Resistance of a material always decreases if
    none of the above is correct
    temperature of material is increased
    temperature of material is decreased
    number of free electrons available become more

number of free electrons available become more

If the efficiency of a machine is to be high what should be low ?
    Input power
    True component of power
    kWh consumed


When electric current passes through a metallic conductor its temperature rises. This is due to
    collisions between conduction electrons and atoms
    mutual collisions between conducting electrons
    mutual collisions between metal atoms
    the release of conduction electrons from parent atoms

collisions between conduction electrons and atoms

The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as

    area of cross-section

area of cross-section

With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals
    remains constant
    first increases and then decreases


With rise in temperature the resistance of semi-conductors
    first increases and then decreases
    remains constant


Two resistors are said to be connected in series when
    sum of IR drops equals the applied e.m.f.
    total current equals the sum of branch currents
    both carry the same value of current
    same current passes in turn through both

same current passes in turn through both

Which of the following statement is true both for a series and a parallel D.C. circuit?
    Elements have individual currents
    Currents are additive
    Power are additive
    Voltages are additive

Power are additive

Which of the following materials has a negative temperature co-efficient of resistance?


Ohm’s law is not applicable to
    vacuum tubes
    high voltage circuits
    carbon resistors
    circuits with low current densities

vacuum tubes

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