Resistance of carbon filament lamp as the applied voltage increases.
    none of the above
    remains same


Bulbs in street lighting are all connected in


For testing appliances the wattage of test lamp should be
    any value
    very low


When a voltage of one volt is applied a circuit allows one micro ampere current to flow through it. The conductance of the circuit is

    1 n-mho
    106 mho
    1 milli-mho
    none of the above

1 n-mho

Which of the following can have negative temperature coefficient ?
    Metallic alloys
    Liquid metals
    Compounds of silver


Conductance : mho ::
    capacitance : henry
    inductance : farad
    resistance : ohm
    lumen : steradian

resistance : ohm

1 angstrom is equal to
    10″10 m
    10~14 m
    10″6 cm
    10-8 mm

10″10 m

One newton meter is same as
    one joule
    five joules
    one watt
    one joule second

one joule

Two copper conductors have equal length. The cross-sectional area of one conductor is four times that of the other. If the conductor having smaller cross-sectional area has a resistance of 40 ohms the resistance of other conductor will be
    20 ohms
    10 ohms
    160 ohms
    80 ohms

10 ohms

A nichrome wire used as a heater coil has the resistance of 2 £2/m. For a heater of 1 kW at 200 V the length of wire required will be
    80 m
    60 m
    40 m
    20 m

80 m

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