Which of the following materials has the least resistivity ?


When current flows through heater coil it glows but supply wiring does not glow because
    current through supply line flows at slower speed
    supply wiring is covered with insulation layer
    resistance of heater coil is more than the supply wires
    supply wires are made of superior material

resistance of heater coil is more than the supply wires

The condition for the validity under Ohm’s law is that
    resistance must be uniform
    temperature at positive end should be more than the temperature at negative end
    resistance must be wire wound type
    current should be proportional to the size of the resistance

resistance must be uniform

Which of the following statement is correct ?

    A semi-conductor is a material whose conductivity is same as between that of a conductor and an insulator
    A semi-conductor is one which con¬ducts only half of the applied voltage
    A semi-conductor is a material which has conductivity having average value of conductivity of metal and insulator
    A semi-conductor is a material made of alternate layers of conducting material and insulator

A semi-conductor is a material whose conductivity is same as between that of a conductor and an insulator

A rheostat differs from potentiometer in the respect that it
    offers large number of tapping
    has higher wattage rating
    has lower wattage rating
    has large number of turns

has higher wattage rating

The resistance of a copper wire 200 m long is 21 Q. If its thickness (diameter) is 0.44 mm its specific resistance is around
    1.6 x 10″”8 Q-m
    1.2 x 10~8 Q-m
    1.4 x 10~8 Q-m
    1.8 x 10″8 Q-m

1.6 x 10″”8 Q-m

An instrument which detects electric current is known as


Four wires of same material the same cross-sectional area and the same length when connected in parallel give a resistance of 0.25 Q. If the same four wires are connected is series the effective resistance will be
    1 Q
    2 Q
    4 Q
    3 Q

4 Q

A current of 16 amperes divides between two branches in parallel of resistances 8 ohms and 12 ohms respectively. The current in each branch is
    6.4 A 9.6 A
    4.6 A 9.6 A
    4.6 A 6.9 A
    6.4 A 6.9 A

6.4 A 9.6 A

Current velocity through a copper conductor is
    of the order of a few ^.s/m
    independent of current strength
    the same as propagation velocity of electric energy
    nearly 3 x 108 m/s

of the order of a few ^.s/m

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