In a lead-acid battery the energy is stored in the form of
    electromagnetic energy
    electrostatic energy
    charged ions
    chemical energy

chemical energy

Extent of corrosion in the underground metal work depends upon
    amount of moisture
    type of metals
    all above factors
    type of soil chemicals

all above factors

Charging a sulphated battery at high rate results in
    all above
    damage to separators cell caps covers and battery case due to excessive temperature
    warping of plates
    boiling of electrolyte due to gassing

all above

Which of the following is incorrect ?

    A carbon-zinc cell has unlimited shelf life
    A lead-acid cell can be recharged
    A storage cell has a reversible chemical reaction
    A primary cell has an irreversible chemical reaction

A carbon-zinc cell has unlimited shelf life

Which of the following has lower sp. gravity V
    Any of the above
    Dilute H2S04
    Concentrated H2SO4


Petroleum jelly is applied to the electrical connections to the lead-acid battery
    prevent corrosion
    prevent local heating
    prevent short-circuiting
    reduce path resistance

prevent corrosion

_____ of electrolyte indicates the state of charge of the battery
    specific gravity

specific gravity

The following indicate that battery on charge has attained full charge
    colour of electrode
    all above
    specific gravity

all above

Which among the following constitutes the major load for an automobile battery ?
    Self starter
    Spark plugs
    Parking lights
    Brake light

Self starter

Specific gravity of electrolyte in Edison cell is


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